California Rain - California - Mx3.ch


14 Plays
11 tracks

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Hinzugefügt am 24 November 2021

California Rain
mickey mess studios, mickey mess, california rain, california

Credits & Dank

California Sunset
( © Copyright 2003 by Daniel Messerli Feb 7 2003)

Remember California Sunset
The Fire in the sky
In my heart
In my mind

Remember the tears I was crying
My soul was dying
For the day
You threw my love away

I was standing behind the fence of barbed wire
My spirit’d grown tired
And I was ready
To throw my life away

And I was cursing the name of God
And I knew, nothing could save me now

Then I saw the chains
Tied around the gate
Loosed before my eyes
By an Angel who gave me back my life

And I knew I am not alone
There are Angels all around me
They break the chains and clear the way
Exactly when I was ready to throw it all away

So if your heart, your Soul, your mind is dying
I understand you’re crying
Just remember those Angels are there for you too….

14 Plays