Rudolf Steiners Project - Dance Of Time - Mx3.ch

Dance Of Time

4 plays
29 tracks

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Added on 24 March 2024


Composer and producer Rudolf Steiner invites us on an enchanting voyage with his instrumental, "Dance Of Time." In a world where time seems to slip through our fingers like sand, music becomes a vessel to capture its essence.
Soft synthesizer pads envelop the listener in a gentle embrace, symbolizing the uninterrupted passage of time. They create a sonic canvas that is simultaneously calming and uplifting, offering solace in the face of life's constant motion. Complemented by playful and softly swinging synthesizer plucks, the song takes on a vibrant character, representing the dance of time itself. The rhythmic interplay between electronic drums and synthetic percussion further accentuates the song's steady pulse, guiding us through the journey of time.
The accompanying video for "Dance Of Time" is enhancing the music's serene aura. Vivid and forceful imagery of clocks and hourglasses serves as a poignant reminder of the unstoppable passage of time. Dancers express the fluidity and elegance that resides within the dance of time. Floating and shimmering structures add a touch of surrealism, transcending the boundaries of our perception and inviting us to explore the depths of our imagination.

Year of creation
Rudolf Steiner
time, timeless, enchanted, serene, electropop, relaxation, ambient pop, ambient, dance pop

Credits and thanks


4 plays