Blaukpchn - Money in Kyoto - Mx3.ch

Money in Kyoto

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5 tracks

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Added on 14 May 2024

Year of creation
Schmetterling Records
sped up, trap, queer

Credits and thanks

I made this during my vacation in Japan where in Kyoto there where multiple rich, posh Ladies looking at me weird and making pictures of me. So I produced an angry fun beat and came up with the Lyrics: "Ich mache Money in Kyoto, Yeah die b*tches mached photos will ich gseh silly us, Ich drei mich sexy eimal um und lach sie alli us, b*tch sie chund nüme drus, sie staht am morge uf und findet mich neb ihrem Vater i ihrem Herre hus, Shit er liebt mich und er düschlet eusi Näme us, uf sim Erbzertifikat staht jetzt min Name druf, schick ihn uf sini letzti reis yeah, mache money ohni scheiss yeah f*ck!" So big thank you to them making me fell anxious which led to me trying to show myself who I am by creating this song.

2 plays