Al Terego & the Hi Q's - Hostage Of My Soul - Mx3.ch

Hostage Of My Soul

17 plays
13 tracks

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Added on 22 August 2017

Half Broken
Year of creation

Credits and thanks


How easily are we allowing us to be prisoners of our own soul, caught as hostage of our own personality. WE die the sudden death of boredom while we build the walls of comfort around us: Don’t take no prisoners: free me from my own comfort zone!

Wie schnell sind wir gefangen von unserer eigenen Seele, eingesperrt als Geisel unserer eigenen Persönlichkeit. Wir sterben den Sekundentod aus Langweile während wir uns unsere eigenen Mauern der Bequemlichkeit um uns bauen: Nehmt keine Gefangenen! Befreit mich aus meiner Komfortzone!

My soul melts in a fever
My mind burns like hell
I die a sudden death from boredom
But otherwise I’m well

They say “it’s all over”…. but…
It starts all over again!
Alloying my suspicions
There’s pain in the end

Don’t take no prisoners!
I am a hostage of my soul
Don’t take no prisoners!
I am a hostage of my soul

Fear is the nutrition
Flowing through our bones
Fuels up the protection
Of our dam’ comfort zone

Don’t take no prisoners!
I am a hostage of my soul
Don’t take no prisoners!
I am a hostage of my soul

17 plays