Northfolk - Take me home (demo) - Mx3.ch

Take me home (demo)

720 plays
16 tracks

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Added on 30 January 2019

Year of creation
fribourg, rock, lost, home, northfolk, folk, pop

Credits and thanks

Sacha Love @ La Fonderie


Take me home : Northfolk

I was born in a country,
You’ve probably never heard of before.
I was raised in the back seat of a car.
I was raised in the middle of a driveway, middle of the driveway.

Take me home.
Take me home.

I was born in the late night of may,
Maybe in may, maybe in june, no one remembers.
I was born and no one really cares,
I was born and that is that and that is a fact.

Take me home.
Take me home.
This is not where I belong,
Take me home.

I was lost and found so many times before
Show me the way, hey…

Take me home.
Take me home.
This is not where I belong, take me home.

720 plays