Laurent Seenbee - the wish - Mx3.ch

the wish

57 plays
12 tracks

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Added on 21 July 2008

the other side of love
Year of creation

Credits and thanks

i see a man
smoking with his car at the crossroad light
taking time.. perhaps he has an idea, a light, a wish..

today something could change ...for him..for me
who could know what's working through the mind of anyone (someone)
that's what i like.

In a corner of my head ray, i have a wish to say,
one of those that comes after a wonderful day.
that could tell a story about the wheel inside the one we fight.
i can imagine myself listening to your wish that becomes a light.

roads on my way, hoo sometimes, a wish appears,
often the same, far from my shame,
of being safe by you, wherever we do.

From the land where you come,
perhaps you bring a wish.
that will save us from our fear
and the world that became shit.
we could smile together to the sun,
and hope under the moon.
from not being able to accept others,
we become untouchables too

worlds on my way,
hoo sometimes. a wish apears,
often the same, far from all pain,
of being loved by them,
leaving fear and shame.

57 plays