The Measles - Don't Want No Trash - Mx3.ch

Don't Want No Trash

534 plays
2 tracks

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Added on 30 September 2009

Year of creation

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the measels

we don't want no trash
in the city
don't want no trash
you gotta do your best
don't want no trash
it aint pretty
when you litter you make a mess

don't want no trash
in the river
don't want no trash
in the street
don't want no trash
better believe it
do your part let's keep it clean

I was walking down the road the sun it was a shinin
but everywhere that I looked there's trash i was a findin
all this rubbish makes me sick, it really has to end
when you litter don't you know your trashin' switzerland!!

we don't want no trash
in the mountains
don't want no trash
at our school
don't want no trash
there's no doubtin'
when you litter your not cool

don't want no trash
on the playground
don't want no trash
in the park
don't want no trash
not in our town
don't you litter it isn't smart

all this rubbish makes me sick, it really has to end
when you litter don't you know your trashin' switzerland!!

534 plays