Arthur Henry - Sounds of Basel - Mx3.ch

Sounds of Basel

154 plays
11 tracks

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Added on 31 May 2022

Year of creation
deepdive music
Arthur Henry

Credits and thanks

Participants (by order of apparition)
two members of Ten Forty (band)
Marlène and Raphaël Kuntz
Nicolas Safjan
Vérène Girod (my favourite person on earth)
Daniel Somaroo a.k.a Phseshft
Anna Hirsch (main singer)
Alfio Laini
Victor Belinda Cowbooy
Lea Marcella
Sofia Simonius (the girl playing guitar. Isn't she wonderful?)
Yours truly
Matteo Simonin
Laura Marty
Zarek Silberschmidt
Aurélien Boeglin
Harry Fink
Marius Cuendet
Lena Ajdacic
Alvin Schwaar
Giulia Dabalà (Winner of the M4Music Demotape Clinic 2020)
Julia Kasimova
Melanie Flores and her brother Sergio Flores
Olga Simonius (Sofia's mother. Had a great time with Julia and them, very welcoming people! They gave me a delicious vine from their own vineyard. Priceless)
Tinguely Fountain
Benjamin Spencer
Emmanuelle Bonnet
Julie Demarne

This video was made thanks to the amazing support of FCMA Musique+, La Loterie Romande, le Canton de Neuchâtel

154 plays