To Athena - Verstand (Esmeralda Galda feat. To Athena) - Mx3.ch

Verstand (Esmeralda Galda feat. To Athena)

191 plays
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Added on 9 December 2022

Year of creation
Mouthwatering Records

Credits and thanks

"Verstand" is the second pre-released song from the collaboration EP
"Wältuntergang" (VÖ 27.01.23) by Esmeralda Galda and To Athena.
This song deals with depression, its ghosts and being left alone with them.
Esmeralda Galda: "Mind: According to the Duden, the ability to understand,
form concepts, draw conclusions, judge, think. I don't know much about it,
but I know I lost it in a phase of my life - maybe it just hid behind
destructive behaviors and ghosts that emerged and emerge from and
around me. The song "Verstand" is not exactly a hymn of praise to him, but
still the request that he should not say goodbye to me completely. Through
the collaboration with To Athena and the trust we have in each other, the
song could be finished.

Music & Lyrics by Laura Bärlocher & Tiffany Limacher
Produced by Linus Gmünder
Co-Produced by Esmeralda Galda & To Athena
Mixed by David Hofman
Mastered by Robert Pachaly
Label: Mouthwatering Records
Booking: Orange Peel Agency

191 plays