nowhere, OK - Excerpt C - Mx3.ch

Excerpt C

20 plays
Musiques Improvisées
3 tracks

More information

Added on 18 March 2023


In the middle of Oklahoma, at the intersection of E1280 Road and County Street 2550, lies a small town called „Nowhere“. The name of the place originates from a cynical comment made about where the town is situated – in the middle of endless plains, withouth any marks of human civilisation in sight. Yet it stuck as the official town name. If you stumble upon Nowhere, OK while perusing an atlas, you'll be bound to stop for a moment. You'll experience an uneasy feeling, a sense that every corner of the earth has been mapped, catalogued and managed from above – even „nowhere“. In other words: a feeling that no place on this planet can escape the ordering gaze of the satellite.

nowhere, OK is an attempt to find a line of flight, a praxis of invisibility that doesn't register on the radar of this systematising gaze; that builds bridges, communicates and enables collective thinking.

For booking inquiries: felixnussbaumer [ät] posteo [dot] de

Year of creation
Felix Nussbaumer, Isabelle Meraner
electroacoustic, improvisation, contemporary

Credits and thanks

Felix Nussbaumer :: tenor sax, analog radio processing, programming, composition
Nelly Jüsten :: prepared piano, transducers, digital processing, composition
Aya Masui :: snare drum, percussion, objects, sampler

Recorded on 31/01/23 at Kosmos, Luzern.
Videography and filming by Isabelle Meraner, Felix Nussbaumer and Aya Masui.
Recorded, mixed and edited by Felix Nussbaumer.

20 plays